Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Bike Ride

I got my strider bike in late June and I really like it. At first I was not so sure but now I can go pretty fast. Maman has to run to keep up with me. Well that is when I don't stop to pick up a stick or read a sign or even talk to the frog that we had the chance to meet on our last nature trail trip.
Anyway, Calvin ( that's the name I give to my bike) and I are having a lot of fun and I am very close to balancing. I already put both feet up. Downhill is the most fun although I was glad to have a helmet a few weeks ago when I tumbled down.
So follow me through the wood on a very rainy, windy Fall day.


Uncle Dany said...

ma chère soeur,
Je pense que le temps béni des pédales est arrivé. Si tu tardes trop, c'est directement le moteur qu'il va te demander !

pityskitten said...

it's so amazing to see all the things he can do. It's hard to believe at times he's only two!