Wednesday, August 1, 2018

February 2018

We still had a few more weeks to go in February before a little vacation again... Work, work, work...
During the month, we got to learn all about webradio and we got to make our own shows. I volunteered to be the host of one of the show. It was a fun experience but, as you will see, the day of the live taping, I was quite sick but still managed to hold it for the taping!


Here is the show that you can listen to. It was recorded live in the school's makeshift studio and it is students who manage everything from sound to presentations to subject choice. Pretty cool!

Break time!
We headed to Eugene for my first ever Oregon Duck basketball game. Wow! Quite a show! They won and it was quite a thrilling experience.

Nature was calling us again... hey, who made me say that? I was perfectly happy staying inside with any type of device in my hand.
But here we were, on the road to the South of Oregon, not where it's warm, but where the snow gets quite deep.
Snow shoeing at Crater Lake, although hard for me at times, was quite nice. We will let the pictures speak for themselves.

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