Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I love water

We left rainy Portland to arrive in hot and sunny Saint George, Utah. With daytime temperature in the high 80s or middle 90s, we all liked being close to the water.
So, from learning how to throw rocks in the water without throwing myself in it at the same time, to standing under a waterfall and walking in a cold stream, I got my self plenty of splish-splashing time. Add to that the daily plunge in the blue pool water and I was doing great.
I actually woke up every morning saying "Piscine", which is pool in French. On our way back, the hotel also had a pool and my first day back home, I went for a swimming class. So basically, for 7 days in a row, I got to do my favorite thing: jump in the water.
Imagine my surprise then the past two days: even though I quite loudly and politely say "piscine, S'il te plaƮt", we are not getting near any water hole. Although if this rains keep pouring down, there will be a big enough puddle in the yard soon...
Enjoy the video,

1 comment :

Paula said...

Yea! I will have a swim partner soon! Adorable towel pic at the end!