Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lesson in the art of wrangling

My friend L came over for our first sleepover ever.

We go to fencing together so Maman picked us up there, took us out to dinner and she gave the relay to Papa who took us to see Kung Fu Panda 3 in 3D.
Fun we had and late we fell asleep.
But early we also woke up much to Maman's chagrin...

We played board games; actually we played one board game again and again: Memoir 44.

We of course had to watch a minecraft video:
But the main attraction of the day was the one that, cost wise, needed the less investment:
- Take two kids
- Find a large enough room
- Take a blanket
- Have pillows ready.
That's it. Wrestling and wrangling each other while throwing pillows and screaming super high pitch sounds got us entertained for 3 hours! Yes, 3!
The next morning when I woke up, I could barely move... I am not used to make my muscles work like that for so long!

Take a look!

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