Saturday, November 2, 2013


I started Halloween countdown a week before October 31st.
Do you think I was EX-CI-TED during that entire countdown week? I was!
And then it was there. It finally was the day.
I woke up early. I got my make up done. I was giving directions to Maman: "Put more grey shadow here... more red coming out of the nose... darker eyebrows".  Boy, she had a hard time getting it just right.

But 7:00am, here I was, ready for the morning Vampire goes to school.
I pretty much ended up wiping my entire make up on, hum, well, I don't know but by the end of the day my costume was back in the bag and the vampire was gone.
But back home, it was time to carve  the crazy looking pumpkin with screws on the side of its head and it was time for make up time... again.
Then it was time to greet my preys. I began pacing outside, smelling the blood, ready to sink in my teeth.
And then they came, and our 150 candy bars disappeared

 Fun night, it was, fun night it was... I even got to grab 7 candy bars from the basket and I threw some wrappers in those big kids pillow cases. Ahahaha!

Hey, I think I bit too hard and somebody must have my tooth in their neck...
And what is that? I, ME, MOI could have actually gone trick or treating? You were waiting for me to ask? You have been wondering for the past 6 years why I never asked?
I DID NOT KNOW I COULD. But you bet I have already made plan with Papa on which street I'll go up and down next year. I am even planning on multiple costumes to go back to same houses.
I have to make up for all those lost years...

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