Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chanteur et futur ingénieur...


I have been back at school for about 3 weeks now and I am enjoying PK. My teacher is fine but he does not seem to like it when I untie his shoes. Another adult with limited sense of humor! I have been enjoying all the singing that we do and I even find it in me to stop being weird for 5 minutes to sing 3 songs while being recorded.
In the second part of the video, you will see much having fun with a little experiment. See, Papa had a broken pipe issue in the bathroom upstairs and after a few minutes it started raining in the dining room. That was quite something to see. After getting rid of all the standing water upstairs and downstairs, Papa put the fan on the dry the floors. While Maman was cooking, I decided to attempt some fan experiment. See for yourself! It sure made the day bad experience into a great experiment time for me.

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