- sing
Monday, December 19, 2011
December: a Pre-kindergarten recital
- sing
Sunday, December 18, 2011
November: a photo collection...
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Halloween Knight
It took a lot of hours to create my costume this year. I helped Maman with cutting, folding, gluing and by making sure it was exactly how I wanted it to be.
It was a fun day at school being a knight, except they did not want me to use my sword. I wonder why...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Happy Fall everybody!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Chanteur et futur ingénieur...
I have been back at school for about 3 weeks now and I am enjoying PK. My teacher is fine but he does not seem to like it when I untie his shoes. Another adult with limited sense of humor! I have been enjoying all the singing that we do and I even find it in me to stop being weird for 5 minutes to sing 3 songs while being recorded.
In the second part of the video, you will see much having fun with a little experiment. See, Papa had a broken pipe issue in the bathroom upstairs and after a few minutes it started raining in the dining room. That was quite something to see. After getting rid of all the standing water upstairs and downstairs, Papa put the fan on the dry the floors. While Maman was cooking, I decided to attempt some fan experiment. See for yourself! It sure made the day bad experience into a great experiment time for me.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I am pedaling now!

For my birthday, I got money with Grandpa and Grandma. After coming up with various ideas on how to spend it, I finally decided to buy my friend L's pedal bike. We are the same age but somehow not the same size so he needed a bigger bike.
My first trial on the bike was not so much fun since i never had a tricycle or anything with pedals and therefore I knew nothing about pedaling. After 5 days of trying with training wheels at the park, I decided that it was time to give the two wheels bike a real try.
So on August 12, Maman took me to the park, took the training wheels off, pushed me to get me started and there it was, I was pedaling.
I am mighty proud of it.
I was also brave at the doctor today where I got 3 shots and where I learned that:
- I weigh 34 lbs
- I am 38 and 3/8 inches high
- there is no shot to cure the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide in me. What can I say, I like pushing buttons, physically and figuratively too!
Enjoy the video!
Week-end with family
We had fun together and did yet another celebration of birthdays since the 2 girls and I have a Summer birthday.
Here is our week-end in pictures:
Friday, July 29, 2011
Mon anniversaire
I had requested a steam roller for my birthday cake and Maman and I had worked hard to prepare it.
But the best thing is that, not only was my cake a steam roller but one of my gift was also a Rolly! That was exciting.
All my gifts were exciting actually. Now, I just have to find the time to play with all my toys, games. I have found a way to read the books: I wait until Maman leave my room after the goodnight kiss and then I sneak a book or two in bed with me. If it's dark, I turn on the light. Sure, I don't get as much sleep at night, but somebody has to read all those books right?
Now that I am 4, I can tell you a little bit more about me:
-I weigh 34.5 pounds
-I am 39 inches tall.
-I love riding my bike and told the parents that I plan to be in the Tour de France one day.
-I can never get enough books, stories, documentaries read to me and books are pretty much the only thing that can keep me quiet, especially if I get lost in a pile of them.
- I love anything that has wheels.
- Water is definitely my friend and after a Summer hiatus, I will be back at the pool soon.
- I am still the silliest kid on the block and sometimes it seems that I am the only one thinking that I am funny. The parents don't always have my sense of humor. They particularly don't get the potty humor. Adults are sometimes lacking a sense of humor.
- I get in trouble at least once every hour: adults have this things with rules that have to be followed... it's exhausting some days and it's much easier to ignore. Sure, I get sent to my room but after crying a few minutes, I promise to listen and act better ( they like that) and I am back to all my shenanigans again.
- I am very much a hugger and I tell my parents I love them at least 10 times a day.
Enjoy the show!
Noah René, the 4 year old kid
Birthday party with my friends
I have been waiting for so long to say it!
I had 3 friends over + me = .... 4! Maman had prepared a treasure hunt and we were all our silly selves throughout the day. It was a great party and we even got to do an eatable-cars race: we all won and we all crunched and munched on those cars!
Thank you for coming my friends!
Le Parc de la Vanoise
On July 14, we went closer to the entrance of the Parc de la Vanoise with very low clouds preventing us to see any views. The village of Champagny en vanoise was the perfect place to spend the night after our first hike in the parc: we got to see marmottes, deers and beautiful flowers and I was quite a good hiker again.
On July 15, our last day in the Alps, the clouds moved away and we were able to do a last hike on the beautiful and challenging trail that leads to Col de la Vanoise.
This time I decided to be in the pack. That is, until lunch time when the parents decided to stop near a little creek. I had of course a lot of energy to spend so I kept jumping from one rock to the other and inevitably, I fell in the cold water with my socks and shoes of course. Oups...
When we made it to the top, I got a little attitude sickness so Papa walked down fast to get me to feel better. An hour later I was my usual silly self...
Well, it was time to wrap up and head back to Brittany where we had two full days of rain but it was still fun. I discovered Maman's stash of legos for when she was little and I loved playing with them...
After a night in a hotel in Rennes, we were back at the airport and back in the plane where you won't believe what movie was on: "CARS"! I had been wanting to see that movie for so long. It was great!
29 hours of travel and we were back home with one week to go before my birthday!
Chamonix et l'Aiguille du midi
We parked the camping car next to plenty others like us as we wanted to be close to the cabin that would take us to the top of the Aiguille du Midi, so close to the Mont-Blanc.
It was crowded for sure, but it was magical also.
Papa had read that crossing form the Plan de l'aiguille to Montenvers would be a very nice 45 minute walk to the train station of the Mer de glace. So, that morning, he had asked me if I was willing to walk or if he should take the pack. I opted for walking.
The problem is that once at the top, the signs were saying that it would take 2.5 hours to hike to the station.
The good thing: I was in a good mood and willing to walk, which I did for nearly 85% of the 7 kilometers. I was proud of myself and I got a well deserved ice-cream when we finally made it. We took the cool red train down the mountain and I waled yet another mile to the camping car. I was exhausted but it was a good day on the mountain with beautiful views ( I mainly liked the rocks and the little waterfalls but the parents told me that the Mont-Blanc and surrounding mountains were also great to look at).
Le Mont...
Finally, we made it and we met Catherine, Juliette and Catherine's family.
We spent two serene, quiet and very nice days at their place. We tasted plenty of specialty from the region and everything was made from scratch. Miam!
I got to feed the chicken, swim in the lac de La Thuile, play with MY Juliette and I even got to give my postcards to the nice postman who came everyday to Le Mont.
En route vers les Alpes
I LOVED the camping car.
We stopped in Beaune for the first night and it was the beginning of plenty of nights where I did not go to bed before 10:30pm or so because there was always so much to do or see.
On the 7th, we made it to the Alps by 2:00pm and I did my first hike at the Col de la Colombière. We then zoomed to Les Contamines Montjoie to see our friends and spend a great evening with them.
We parked the camping car next to a river and I nearly got to spend the might outside of the camping car since I was quite tired by the time we were ready for bed ( 11:00pm!) and since I am also in a phase where I love pushing the limits... After a while it seemed like the parents were less and less patient with me. I wonder why? I mean, I was just ignoring their requests and waiting way past the 1,2,3 count down before reacting to their commands. Is that really a reason to get on my case?
But I also was really nice at times and on day 2 at the Contamines, I hiked to Aiguille Croche and met some very friendly goats. One of them ended up following me and somebody had to take it away back to it's herd otherwise I think it would have followed me to the camping car... It sure was a cute goat though.
On day 3, we hiked to Le Truc where Maman had often gone with Papi and Mamie. We got a great lunch at the refuge and got to hear all the cows with their bells. I was also lucky to meet newly born calves.
La côte bretonne
La famille française...
On June 29, we flew to France and then headed to the train station for my first ride in the TGV: I was quite excited about the TGV ride but since I had already been up for 20 hours, I did not get to see much of the scenery as I was sound asleep.
We started our trip to France in Brittany where Papi and Mamie live. There was a big family reunion where I got to meet a lot of people from Maman's family. We had a lot of fun and I ran around all days with my new friends and, as usual, I chose to go with the older boys.
It was a great day but too short to get to talk to everybody. As you will see, there was also dancing, with "musique bretonne" played by the very talented musicians in the family and it ended with a big fire.
Really fun time!
Back in time... April in Newport
SO here is the first of 9 videos, yes 9...
In this video, I visit Newport and its aquarium and I make a special trip to OMSI to see the Submarine with Papa on father's day.
Aquarium+ Submarine+ OMSI... I am in Heaven!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
My first stage performance

This past Thursday I made my big debut on stage.
Our performance was called "No title" and me and 16 of my friends had fun dancing in front of over 300 people.
Now, we rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed prior to the performance and the teachers helped us come up with a choreography. Sure it was good, but as you will see in the video, I like to spice things up a little and I added my little touches here and there.
You need to know though that the teachers were not in front telling us when to switch from one move to the other so we need to be commended for listening to the music pretty well and knowing when to switch to the new move. Ok, it got a little bit chaotic at the end but overall, we did good.
You might notice that I seem to be about a head smaller than all the other ones. Sure, I am not growing fast, but all my friends have been 4 for quite a while now and I and two other girls are the only ones turning 4 later on this Summer.
Now you know everything so, enjoy the show!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Where have I been?

Do you want to know where I have been? Well, you did miss the episode of me going to Newport to see the aquarium but that will come at some point if Maman figures out how to get more hours in a day.
The story of my first year in preschool though has been a lot about my ears. Out of 10 months, I managed to be on antibiotics 7 times for ear infections until we all decided that enough was enough. My left ear tube was plugged so there was nothing to be done but change it.
We went back to the guy who did my first surgery but the poor guy had to have surgery for himself the day of my appointment. That was road block number 1. We then found another doc who recommended we remove the old tubes, place new ones in and while we were at it, remove my enlarged and often inflamed adenoids. The surgery was scheduled for May 26. I woke up that morning, got the only liquid I was allowed to have and asked to go back to bed… unusual… I got up 30 minutes later and the apple juice came back out. It turned out that I also had a fever of 102.4. A quick call to the anesthesiologist and the guy wisely decides to cancel the surgery. Road block number 2.
Well, by May 28 , after 2 days of high fever and hives all over my body, I was diagnosed with strep throat and scarlet fever also known as scarlatine. And here comes yet another round of antibiotics… and the surgery is rescheduled for June 10.
I get all better, go back to school, go back to my silly, goofy, lots of time-out mode and then, the antibiotics stop. That was June 6. That’s when Papa realized that we were supposed to give the antibiotics 2 times a day. See, my numerous previous rounds of antibio were always once a day and Maman did not even check. By June 8, I looked kind of funny and my teacher had to call Maman that morning to report a fever. Back to the doc who diagnosed that the strep throat was not gone and that yes, it could be because of Maman’s mistake but also because that particular antibiotic does not always work for strep. Great. A quick call to the surgeon: if the fever is still high on the 9th, surgery will be canceled… Nooooooooooooooooooooooo…. Road block number 3.
On the 9th , my fever is completely gone and I have a big breakfast, a sure sign that I am back to normal and ready to go to school. It also means that we get a green light for the surgery.
So finally, June 10 is here and we nearly had a road block number 3: I certainly knew that I was supposed to be on a liquid diet until 6:30am; as Maman was taking her shower and Papa was eating his breakfast, I sneaked in the pantry, closed the door and opened the bag of raisins. Luckily, Papa heard the noise I made with the bag and arrived just in time to remove from my mouth the handful of raisins I had shoved in there before I was able to swallow any... This was a close call... So, at 8:30am, to the hospital we go. By 10:00am they gave me the “happy” medicine and I gradually feel on a cloud. They rolled me in at 10:30am for a 35 minute procedure. I had told the parents that I would keep my eyes open during the entire surgery but, after inhaling the watermelon gas, I was gone for a while… By 11:25am, Maman was a wreck since this was a lot more than 35 minutes. By 11:30am they finally heard that everything went well and I was waking up in the recovery room. By 11:45am a nurse came to get the parents since I was having a tough time with the waking up process.
It turned out that I had what they call pediatric emergence delirium. Yes, it’s the delirium part that is interesting. I was screaming, thrashing and throwing things, I was trying to remove my IV and mainly, I was out of it and my eyes could not even track. When I saw Maman, she became an easy target for a hitting contest: I was hitting her really hard and nobody could touch me. That was a fun time they tell me. Finally, after 15 more minutes of this, Maman wisely backed away and talked to me firmly and I gradually came around. It still took another 10 minutes until I accepted to be touched. At that point, I got scared and could not be pried away from Maman. Oh boy, that was quite an experience and it’s a good thing that I had no outside or inside stitches that could have suffered from all that thrashing around.
I fell asleep for over an hour and woke up feeling all better, my voice a little hoarse but ready to devour the orange Popsicle they gave me. And, time to go back home it was. I ate normally, slept another 3 hours, had a great dinner and a comfortable night and woke up happy this Saturday.
Well, that’s where I have been… In less than 3 weeks, I will be flying to France where we all hope that there will be no need for antibiotics… That was quite a ride…
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A slice of March

In between the showers, I get on my bike and to the park we go... I love being a monkey and Maman is amazed that I have not yet broken any bones as I am a risk taker who often does not quite calculate the danger. As I say to Papa, I am a big boy now and I can do things that big boys can do. And big, I sure am: I grew 1/2 an inch since July of last year; I mean that's like more than 1 centimeter and Maman had to finally put the 18 months old pants in the "too small" pile.
Here is a little video for you where you can see me swim ( floating is still challenging!), sing,which never happens when the camera is on, and draw which never happens whether the camera is on or off. It's just not my thing and you will see my face when Maman suggests that I add a "net" to my drawing as to catch the "monster" that I just drew in 3 seconds.
Not every body has to be an artist you know... There are other things I like to concentrate on: I can wake up from my nap and ask to see a video of the inside of the cranial box ( in my French wording: boîte cranienne), or I ask how a space shuttle can be in "orbit"( my word) around the Earth.
I am also into reading; when Maman wanted to select whatever options she thought as healthy on the menu of the restaurant the other day, she was reading the list while showing it to me and she was passing a few items: I pointed to the word "pizza" and said "hey, you forgot "pizza", I want pizza".
Anyway, enjoy this slice of March and have a Happy Spring!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Fish... and Luge
Towards the end of the documentary, they explain how we, humans, are not having the best impact on oceans and, as a matter of fact, they said that we are responsible for the disappearance of some species. That is when, in the theater, I exclaimed out loud: "This is sad, this is very sad".
So the other day, when we were having dinner, here is a dialogue we had with Maman:
- Mmm, Tuna is delicious. I like tuna.
- Well, tuna might not like you and there is another big fish that does not like us.
- The shark? yeah, because he eats tuna. But we can leave some for him. Or I can get other fishes, some that would like to be "ate"( eaten).
- You really think that there are fish that like to be eaten.
- No.... And I am going to say to the fishermen not to fish tuna anymore. I will go in the sea and I will say: stop fishing tuna and I will not eat fish anymore. No ( crosses fingers in form of an x in front of his face).
I can get rice and bean because they make me strong too. ( he wants to say that it's a protein too).
.... Ok , sliding on to another subject now...
We went back to Bend for a very fun week-end where I got to play with my friends and where I also enjoyed more snow time. This time my friends lent us two different slides and I had a lot of fun. See for yourselves...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
La planète Jute

I woke up one night because I had a nightmare/dream.
In the morning, Maman asked me about my nightmare/dream and since I told her in French, here is the translation in English.
First, you need to know that I spend my days wanting to read documentaries; right now, anything that has to do with Earth, planets and natural phenomenon is on top of my list.
- So what was your nightmare?
- I was in space... I was, I was an astronaut and I was allowed to go in space to visit the Planet Jute. Like the moon ( he means, you can visit it like you can visit the moon).
- You mean Jute or Jupiter?
- Planet Jute.
- What was on that Planet?
- Water
- You discovered another planet with water?
- Yes... two planets who were... who were in gas before but now they have water!
- So we could maybe go live on these planets?
- Yeah.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Playdate with my friend L.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
3 et demi

Just because...
Just because I am 3 and 1/2.
Here are some of my best Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde traits:
Noah Jekyll- I love to eat and cook and I can let a piece of dark chocolate melt in my mouth without biting because it's so much better that way.
Noah Hyde - I think that forks are the worse invention and fingers and hands are much better for eating; I have no problem sharing my food with the place-mat, the table, the chair and even the floor. Table manners? who cares.
Noah Jekyll - I love hugs and kisses and I need them when I am sad or hurt, or just like that.
Noah Hyde - I have had some ( few, thank you) pretty bad night terrors: do not even think about approaching me or you might get hurt. Do not even mention a hug or I will dismiss you with my guttural voice.
Noah Jekyll- I can sit for over 30 minutes with one book or a pile of books and you will not hear from me and might wonder where I am hiding.
Noah Hyde - I can sit pretty often on the reflection chair at school as I tend to forget to listen. Since my teacher is sometimes sarcastic he said to me as I was talking to the kids seating next to me: "Noah, do you mind, I am talking". Well, I answered: "No, I don't mind".
Noah Jekyll - I love to play; who doesn't? I can play with others, mostly my Ps' for long games of Uno or Busytown or I can work with them on puzzles of over 100 pieces.
Noah Hyde - I love to play MY WAY; the Ps call me the dictator. Not my fault if they don't really know how to play trucks and trains and construction games. They always do it the wrong way
Noah Jekyll - I want to put my shoes alone, I want to dress myself, I want to carry all my bags and even carry Maman's lunch box...
Noah Hyde - I scream for 30 minutes because there is no way I can put this pair of pants on by myself. Never mind that I did it yesterday, today I can't.
Noah Jekyll - I am curious and I love sciences and technology. I spend my days asking questions about dinosaurs, hurricanes, the type of life in the deep sea; I want to know how the electrons can move in the wires to transport the electricity; I want to read documentaries even if they are for 8 years old and up. I have also learned that if Maman does not know an answer she asks her friend google and we often find some cool videos; like a few days ago when I wanted to know all about chocolate and we found cool infos about the cacao plant and beans.
Noah Hyde: There are some days, if you speak to me you will hear only gibberish... and of course I discovered that poop and fart are fun words...
There it is...

Saturday, January 15, 2011
An event worth recording.

Well, for me it is. I have been in contact with crayons, markers and coloring material for as long as I can remember and yet those things have always left me cold. Plus, I had too much to do with my trains and trucks and books and puzzles.
Maman has been trying to show me how cool coloring and drawing could be; I would sometimes humor her by scribbling a few lines on a piece of paper but in fact i had absolutely no interest in it.
Then, last week, I was in Maman's office, looking at a workbook she has for school. It had some math coloring exercises where, if you color the addition facts the right way, you get a nice picture in the end. Well, that's what I wanted to do. Maman kept telling me it would be too hard but I insisted. I compromised a little by agreeing to do a coloring with a coding that would be more appropriate for my age group.
Maman was doubtful that this would last more than 2 minutes. She was wrong. I colored 20 minutes in a row, barely going outside the lines. I took a little break and came back to it and finished the whole thing.
Sure there are tons of better accomplishments out there, some that are even actually useful, but still, Maman and Papa were impressed so we decided to record the event... just in case i don't ever want to do it again :)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Snow Playtime

It was a fun snow time experience at the mountains even though the wind, snow and temperatures under 17 degrees Fahrenheit prevented me from showing off potential skills on skis. I know, I could be more modest but now you will never know if I am the future Jean-Claude Killy or not.
Wait until you see the video for something really cool we made with Papa!
As an aside, to show that kids are sometimes smarter than their parents, I will tell you a little story. One evening in the little house we rented in Bend, Papa and Maman decided that we should role play the "what if something happens to the adults and you, the child, need to call 911." Papa was the adult, I was the child, and Maman was the dispatcher. When I did the pretend call, Maman was asking me all sorts of questions and I was doing really great. But then, she asked me if I could give my address so that help could come. I stared at her blankly. She asked again, giving me hints "1-6-6...". I stared blankly again. See, I do know my address, I do but... here she was insisting, giving more hints... "Beaver...". I could not stand it anymore, I had to tell her since she could not figure it out: "But Maman, we are in Bend!".
Both parents looked impressed but, me, I am kind of worried and glad that I will be there to help them!