Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Fall everybody!

Finally, the first period of school is over and we are on a break. Not that I mind going to school. I like my PK class and teachers. What I mind is the fact that Maman seems to have no time whatsoever for fun projects while school is in session. So, every time I ask to do something special, she always says " we will do it during the break". 
Maybe she thinks that I will forget but on day 2 of the break, at 6:15am, I yelled from my bedroom that I had found the page. See, I had been telling her that I wanted to do a volcano experiment like I had seen in one of my books. And there it was, staring at me, the page with all the experiences. 
I had also asked to go ice skating. Maman said that we should try roller skating first. I said I would do it if it was line skates. Maman insisted that line skates would be too hard at first. Pff, thanks for the vote of confidence. But, she did say that " we will do it during the break." 
There were other things on my list that never quite made it  to the list of things to do during the break: go see a steamy and ride one, go on a roller coaster, take a boat to go all the way to France crossing the Atlantic Ocean or fly to Russia to then take a train to Paris ( that's after we looked at puzzle map of the World and I was trying to figure out the many ways to make it to France).

So, I still got a little bit of things from my list including two playdates. One with my friend L. and the other one with my friend J. who even got to spend the night!

Enjoy the videos,

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