It was a fun snow time experience at the mountains even though the wind, snow and temperatures under 17 degrees Fahrenheit prevented me from showing off potential skills on skis. I know, I could be more modest but now you will never know if I am the future Jean-Claude Killy or not.
Wait until you see the video for something really cool we made with Papa!
As an aside, to show that kids are sometimes smarter than their parents, I will tell you a little story. One evening in the little house we rented in Bend, Papa and Maman decided that we should role play the "what if something happens to the adults and you, the child, need to call 911." Papa was the adult, I was the child, and Maman was the dispatcher. When I did the pretend call, Maman was asking me all sorts of questions and I was doing really great. But then, she asked me if I could give my address so that help could come. I stared at her blankly. She asked again, giving me hints "1-6-6...". I stared blankly again. See, I do know my address, I do but... here she was insisting, giving more hints... "Beaver...". I could not stand it anymore, I had to tell her since she could not figure it out: "But Maman, we are in Bend!".
Both parents looked impressed but, me, I am kind of worried and glad that I will be there to help them!
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