Friday, January 13, 2017

How to miss 8 days of school without being sick...

It all started in December...

December 7: snow began falling during the night.

December 8: school is closed... Day 1
December 9: school is closed again... Day 2

I shovel the drive way and I guess it is the end of the roses this time:

December 14: it started to snow in the afternoon; at 2:00 pm the ENTIRE town gets the call to get the kids from school: 1 million people on the road at the same time. As Maman was ready to leave with me and my friends, she realized that she had a flat tire. Fun times! It was 5:00 pm when we finally left the school and 8:00 pm when we made it home. Yup. 3 hours at 2.5 miles per hour since every body and their neighbor was on the road.

December 14: School closed, again. Time to make a snowman!

December 16: school closed, again - Ice on the road - Day 4

January 8: It snowed, again... and then it rained and it was time for some thick ice...
January 9: Ice... School is closed, again. Day 5

January 10: Late afternoon, it began snowing, again. But this time it did not stop: all night: 8 inches.

January 11: Buried in snow, entire town closed - Day 6

January 12: Temperatures still in the 20s: no melting: school is closed, again - Day 7
Blue skies but still quite cold; we head outside to admire the beautiful scenery. And, check out the snow baby I made inside the swing at the park. Cute or what?

January 13: No melting. School is closed, again- Day 8

There you have it. 8 days! And this week-end is a long week-end since it's Martin Luther King's day on Monday. Oh boy, our brains are turning to mush... Although teachers were nice enough ( not) to send homework during the last 3 days...

Hopefully we get back to normal soon.

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