My first days off, I rolled around in nothingness luxury, refusing to even get dressed and doing what I like to do to relax: READ!
It was that good that I did not even want to eat. And don't they, the Ps, tell me to go to bed at 8:00pm. No sir! I turn off the light when I want.
Sure, I fell face first on a book one night and got so startled that I ran to the Ps' room to tell them all about it.
So yes, laaaaate nights you bet! Hey, I make it until 9:00pm!
It's also the time to finally put all thoughts about school in the far, far corner of my brain and... wait! What did you say mom? I get to do what? A journal? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
Oh, apparently it says on my report that writing is not my forte. I can write and spell very well mind you. I just don't want to. Who has time to write when there are 50 million books out there!
Sigh. I feel that she is going to make me do it.
Ok, we have a deal: I come up with a question a day; we find the answer and I write down a paragraph about what I have learned. It does not sound too bad... except that she is tying it to my potential 45 minute a day of screen time; that, my friends could lead to ugly outbursts. But ok, I will try.
It's also time for playdates and J was the first one on the list. To the park we went to play tennis and make a fort next to the stream. Next we played board games and had a water balloon fight. He did not want to get too wet but I wanted to be soaked and he obliged!
Papa's family had a long road trip all the way to our house where they stayed with us for 3 days. It took me a while to warm up to so many faces I don't get to see that much, but once I was warm, I got to be my usual silly self. And playing with my cousin was also a bonus.
It was HOT though so shade was very much welcomed and thankfully, we have plenty in the backyard. Enough so that we could play a good old game of washers.
Ashley and I were quite serious about it because, well, we were intimidated by our opponents!
But soon, we began to relax a bit while Grandma surveyed from her favorite place in the yard and made sure the rules were followed!
So when the 2015 session came about, every body knew what to expect... and I made sure that the first 5 minutes I gave them exactly what they were expecting. But, I decided to give it a good try since they would not let me off the hook and we got some decent pics too.
We tried to include Grandma at the end of the session. She did great! But, well, I was pretty much done by then...and I ran away screaming my head off. ( this last sentence was added by Noah after he read my version)
Next entry will be from our trip to France coming up soon: Brittany, a wedding, staying at the farm, Paris, the Alps...
Have a great Summer!
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