Give me books, give me Lego, give me food and I am plenty happy staying inside. I would say "give me screen time" too but it seems that lately, I don't get to see much of any screens. Since the P's had decided to attach screen time with behavior, I am having a tough time keeping my 45 minutes a day. Lately it sounds more like 45 minutes a week at the rate I loose it. Pfff, not fair if you ask me.
But, back to the outdoors...
I certainly drag my feet when it comes to leave the house or any place we stay at, but once outside, I do enjoy it, most of the time.
Here are some of my outdoor experiences this month:
First, Papa had a work party and it was on the river so Papa and I had a little fun out on the Willamette. We tried the paddle board for the first time and we liked it! Swimming was fun too and the water was not too cold.
Bend: We spent a week in Bend and we brought all our outdoorsy toys: swimsuit and goggles, hiking shoes, bikes and the canoe; and we used them all!
Canoe on Elk Lake: there was a smoky haze that day from all the forest fires around but it was still great to explore the lake. I jumped in from the boat and the water was free-zing!
Dillon Falls Hike or Being the most wanted guest in the outdoors: the trail was great and the calm water of the Deschutes was welcoming, But that day, mosquitoes were out in force to welcome us and get pieces of us. We tried to outrun them but it got a little too tiring; so we headed back to the falls for lunch, a calm one we thought. But it was chipmunks this time that were out in force. And the only thing they wanted was our lunch!
Along the Deschutes on our bikes: it was another hot day and we left from the condo on two wheels this time. The P's really liked the scenery; as for me, I was hot and quite happy when after lunch we started heading back... although I had not realized that a lot of the way back was uphill, up big hills too! But with a little enouragement, I did it!
Sparks Lake: Since we had the canoe, we decided for round number 2 of putting it in the water. This time a bigger but also quieter lake with no motor boats. It was beautiful... that's what the Ps kept saying. As for me, I kept saying that I was hungry but nobody seemed to listen. Oh yeah, they said I could always try to catch fish. We finally found a landing spot and I finally got to eat. On our way back, we went to the marshy area where the water is shallow. I decided to get out of the boat to explore. It felt like quick sand though and soon the canoe was stuck and I had to pull it. That was fun!
The pool: ok, that is an outdoor I don't mind at all! I got to swim every day and that was the best part... oh, wait, no; the best part was staying up until 10:00pm to go look at the stars out there. We saw the big dipper and two satellites traveling fast in the sky.
That's all for now folks. Maman will try to do a little movie that she will add later on.
Two more weeks of fun and then it is zoo camp for me and back to work for Maman!
PS: Talking about Maman, if you are wondering, she came with us on the trip... it's just that she is the one standing behind the camera! You see her?
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