Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Second day of Summer vacation is here!
I must say that despite my bravado about saying out loud how I don't like going to school, I actually felt a wave of emotions on the last day of 1st grade.
As we were heading home, I was playing with my Hero Factory in the back of the car and suddenly the Hero said "This is sad, very sad". Maman asked me about what the Hero found sad and that's when I could not hold it anymore and tears began rolling down.
"I am going to miss school" I sobbed."I will miss my friends".
As we were having dinner that evening, Papa asked me how the last day was and, here i was again, feeling hot tears on my cheeks. This time I also added: "I hope I can get my teachers' phone numbers".

See, my French and English 1st grade teacher decided to explore new adventures next year and I won't see them anymore. This was very sad for me and for Maman too since the other 1st grade teacher is also leaving. It means that Maman is the sole survivor of this team of 4.
The next day we got emails and phone numbers and, knowing my ease on the phone and my not-so-great relationship with writing, I might not use them much. It's the thought that counts right?

Before the end of school, my lego creator teacher ( yes, there is such a class!) trusted me enough to let me take home the project we had begun. Maman thought that it would be a great project to finish during Summer. But this was June 7 and on June 15, I was done!
I promised to take pics of the project for my teacher so here it is as well as the video that goes with it.

Summer has also entered the garden with an abundance of strawberries. We have collected so many and i have eaten as many before they made it to the containers...
We had a lot of great desserts with them including this fun little fruit tarts. Yummy!

Some news in the growing up department: I finally lost my first upper tooth. Gasp, a gap! The mouse/fairy was sure to grab it and the 2 dollars she left were gone by the end of the day. Maman says that I don't quite understand the concept of saving. I say that I understand the concept of carpet diem.

That's it for today. This week, I am in charge of cooking the evening meals so watch for an entry about my menus and if I got thumbs up or down...

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