Monday, May 26, 2014

May, le joli mois de mai...

We just came back from San Diego and Boum! It's the end of May! How did that happen?

A few things happened in May: first, Maman turned 50 and here is the picture show to prove it. And yes, I was in on the action because, well, it's not fair that she was getting all the attention and not me, right?

Maman was sure spoiled and she thanks all who spoiled her with gifts and words.

In May, it's also the annual PPP in Bend; I was quite excited about that week-end. It was good in a lot of ways but different also. The big kids have grown... too much to be interested in me; the little kids... well, they are little kids, so I did not quite find my place this time and played quite a bit on my own. Growing up makes my head spin sometimes... and my legs hurt: they say there is no such thing as growing pains but I have had on and off pain in my calves for about 3 years now and sometimes it is certainly painful.

Papa has this grown up thing all figured out though and his team won 1st place in their age group. Go Papa! They are quite competitive!

And while Papa and his team work hard...

I try to keep myself busy while rushing from one exchange to the other

 Some of the crowd enjoying, hum... sharknado!

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