Saturday, February 8, 2014

C'est l'hiver!

We have not seen snow stay on the ground for a couple of years but the past 3 days just made up for it.

The snow was teasing us as early as Monday. By Thursday afternoon schools were closed making traffic quite a nightmare ( 1 hour and a 1/2 to make it back home!) and the snow began falling down steadily.

And this Saturday evening, it looks like it is the end of it with freezing rain coming down and temperatures going back up.
It was this perfect light snow with temperatures in the 20s.

Here are pics and a little video about the experience.

Maman and I made a snow fort. You couldn't really make snow balls or snowmen since the snow was really light. So I worked hard at shoveling and piling the snow. It even had windows...
No time to edit the video so it is raw footage. See Papa pulling me on a made up luge at the end!

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