Monday, August 19 2013
For the past week it was wiggling. I could feel it. I tried many times to pull it but it felt like it would hurt. Every body seemed to have a good idea as to how to remove it and that even included tying it to a string and attach the string to Papa's trailer hitch.
I said no to all suggestions.
And then, on Monday, as it seemed that it was moving back and forth and balancing dangerously, Maman tried again and YES!
She got it out. My first ever fallen TOOTH!
I found the little car with the pocket for lost teeth and set it under my pillow.
Now, you have to know that since in this house we have both American and French traditions going, I was very curious about what would happen during the night: would the tooth fairy come? would the souris come? See, the souris, a mouse, is the equivalent of the tooth fairy here.
When I woke up, I actually forgot about my lost tooth but run back to my bedroom to check under the pillow. And there it was: the proof that both the Tooth Fairy and the Souris do exist ( as Maman is typing I am looking over her shoulder and told her she should type "Toot Fairy"... yeah, I know, 6 year old type of joke!).
I began rapidly making some math and decided that I will now wait until I have 5 teeth to put under the pillow to get a full $5! Smart, right?
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