Friday, February 6, 2009

Bragging time

Maman cannot help it. She has to brag about me. Just a little she says. Well, it's a lot. I guess it's a nice change from all her whining about me not listening very well and opening the stove for the 1000th time. What's wrong with me wanting to see what's cooking?
So in the video, you'll see that I like colors and shapes. Maman pulled out this new shape game just for the video and I had no problem recognizing the shapes. We have seen a lot of those in books and I like to point out to all the things round in the house. In the video, I am also using signs to name colors.
I also love puzzles and especially a 12 piece puzzle that I got for Christmas: the best part is being able to break it again as soon as I am done. Maman sped up the video to avoid boredom for our faithful viewers!


Mommy said...

Oh my goodness! What a smarty you are, King Noah! Way to go!

Dakotah's mama said...

Mr. Smarty pants....way to go Noah!!! ask your maman how she does all the "fancy" stuff on your blog!!???

De, Christa, and Murphy said...

Wow - Noah, you are amazing! (and your maman is amazing, too!!!)