Tuesday, June 30, 2015

End of the school year

Wait? I have not posted anything since April?
Not my fault if you want to know. The mom seems to have been doing quite a bit lately and she has not been able to carve some time for pictures and such.
But here it is, last day of June so time for a little update.

The end of April I had a break and it was nice enough to play outside a bit. The yard was beginning to look like Spring. We rode our bikes downtown and enjoyed the view of the new Tilkum bridge while having our picnic.

We also had a good time at the Hoyt Arboretum and, of course, took the MAX to get there.

Bouldering is fun but doing it with a friend is a lot better. L joined me for this climbing/ wrestling day where we nearly had the whole place for ourselves.

Then came May... Time for the Alice au Pays des Merveilles play. See, 2nd graders always do a play. We had been rehearsing since January and were supposed to do the show early April but it go delayed until the 3rd week of May. Sure it was fun but since I had chosen a role that consisted of two lines said in unison with 8 other cards, I did not have much to do... but get in trouble during rehearsals and even during the show. Oh well, I had to entertain myself one way or another right? It was a good show though and we did it 4 times! Oh, hum, I only did it 2 times since the dates had been changed and I could not be there on the 2nd day since we were going to Bend. The Ps gave me a choice but, really, I knew that 8 cards instead of 9 would not make that big of a difference.And if you look on the pictures, you can see how the cards all look very inspired during the show: after our entrance, we just had to wait in the back of of the stage for a very long scene!

So to Bend we went and it was a very cool and cloudy week-end for the annual PPP. It was a fun one though where I got to sleep in bunked bed with 4 other kids. And since accommodations were in Sunriver this year, Maman and I decided to ride our bikes instead of following the racers.

And soon enough, it was June and the end of 2nd grade.
Overall report is great. My nickname in the classroom was "Mr Dictionary" since I know a lot of things and am always willing to share them: "likes to be listened to" wrote my teacher!
Sure, there are still notes that mention silliness and my lack of understanding of where to use my, hum, very good sense of humor!

So it was time to celebrate right as Father's day came around. Cheers to the end of the school year and to the beginning of Summer!