Monday, September 22, 2014

Last days of Summer

Nearly a month ago, it was time to wrap up Summer vacation with a week at the zoo.
Now, it is already the beginning of Fall and school is back in session.

Who invented homework is my question. I mean, come on; isn't it hard enough to have to go through hours of boredom at school but it has to carry into the evening, into MY free time.
Although I cannot really say that it is cutting down on my screen time because, well, let's say I have not been near any screen in a loooooooonnnnnnggggg time... and not on my own volition if you know what I mean.

Luckily, Papa has taken me camping two times during the past 4 weeks, giving Maman some "well deserved respite". I don't know what she means by that. Sure I am 2 handfuls and a half but she should be used to it by now, right?

My first trip was at Lost Lake and the second was in the Gorges. Both week-ends were hot and sunny and I really enjoyed the experience. Sure I mainly go because of the camp fire, the marshmallows, staying up late and reading books in the tent, but I like it! Why hike around, explore, look for animals and see scenery when you can just read a good book...

Other than camping, I have also enjoyed school in 2nd grade. I told Maman that it was so boring but that I like that because then I can escape in my mind and "lounge around".
There are many things I try to do to make the school experience less boring: I often have requests for my hair in the morning and this is how I ended up going with a Mohawk last week.
I keep wanting to have Maman stick up my hair a certain way or draw scars all over my neck and face but she is not very cooperative about that.

Well, enjoy the pics and let's all dive into Fall!