Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall break

Two months have passed since I last told you about me and just like that we went from Summer to Fall.
Two months in 1st grade already and i am doing quite good. Sure I don't have to work too hard since the bulk of 1st grade is about reading and well, I read chapter books now, so I don't have much to learn in that area. I still find it not very appealing to write though. I have tons of ideas, my imagination is running on non-stop but putting it down on paper = painful. Not because I cannot spell but the process gets me tired before i even begin.
As for homework, that stuff is way too easy and I am taking ownership of it and doing it on my own. The prospect of staying at recess the next day to do it is also a good motivator I must say.

I have began taking judo classes. I ma not quite sure I am cut for any type of classes. I tried swim class, gymnastic class, basket ball class and could not wait for all those sessions to be done. I am already counting down the number of judo sessions left!
On the other hand, I am also doing a Lego creator class: now, sign me up for more of those because I love it!

Papa took me to a Lego Fest a few weeks ago and boy, that was fun. I just don't get why the Ps are not willing to buy me all the Legos in the World. I am sure trying to do more chores to pay for it on my own but at a rate of 10 cents for setting the table for dinner or making the dinner salads , I am not going to get any set any time soon.

This is week 8 of the school year which means that I am on VA-CA-TION! Ok, well when I am typing this it is actually the last day of my break. Saaaaad...

The weather was absolutely fantastic: take Summer weather with the colors of Fall and you have a pretty good idea of our weather this week. Although, if it had been for me, I would have spent my days inside playing games on the tablet, reading books, making Lego constructions and playing board games. But my Ps have this idea that the outdoors are good for me. Sure when they pry me out of the indoors, I do have fun out there but I still prefer games!

So here is a recap of my week

We drove South to go see my baby sister Lilian. She is a month and a half and this was my first time seeing her. I usually can care less about babies but I was quite interested in knowing her. We spent 9 months in the same cozy place so we sure share a bond. OK, I do make a face on that one because I don't like posing for pictures.

I even got to hold her and although that felt weird, I was very gentle. But I quickly lost interest because her P's bought me a present: A Star Wars Angry Birds Jenga! How cool is that!
While Maman was cooing over Lilian I played with Lilian's dad with that cool game.
Maman began her cooking marathon during the week-end and cooked some more on Monday. But the weather being so nice, we put the bikes in and on the car and off we went to Willamette Park.

It was so warm I needed to refresh in the fountain and there was a super cool rainbow I tried to catch!


If I don't get to go to OMSI during my breaks, it is not a real break. So of course, we went and as usual I had plenty of fun there just running around trying all kind of buttons and learning some Sciences along the way. I really like the bridge building station and I am beginning to understand the relationship between the number and width of trusses needed to make a solid bridge.


Maman had to go to school ( yeap, she cannot help it, even during her break!) so she dropped me off at my friend's Juliette and we made crêpes for breakfast. YUM-MY!
After lunch Maman and I explored a nice park we have up the hill from our house and we played in the sun. I got plenty of exercise.


Papa took some days off and to Bend we drove and relaxed in the hot sun in the afternoon.
I also found the game of RISK in a drawer of the house and even if it said for kids 10+, I still wanted a go at it. Oh, I loved that game. Getting territories and getting full control of continents was very much fun. I was good at strategies and, just like in Monopoly, took a lot of risks and it paid off.
Maman just wished that the game would not be about war but more about how many countries you are able to help along the way...


Another beautiful day and after another long game of RISK, we took our bikes and rode the beautiful Shelvin Park trail. The only problem: it is slightly uphill the whole way so there was a burst of energy on my part for the first 10 minutes, followed by a lot of whining and a lot of "Are we there yet?" We still rode for an hour before heading back which required no pedaling at all from the adults and no whining on my part since it was easy peasy lemon squeezy!

At night, my friend Grant had an Halloween party at his school so I gladly joined in for the fun games and prizes that came with and I even got a tatoo.


Papa took me to the parks in the morning so that Maman could work ( Pfff). We found this pirate park where you have to go a treasure hunt and that was pretty cool.

And after another lunch on the deck, we went for a 2 hour walk along the Deschutes River Trail. Great colors again.

We ended the day at a restaurant with our friends and I got to make my own pizza and have a chocolate chip cookie. There is no better end to a vacation than that right?

See you in a 7 to 8 weeks...