After 3 months of being in shorts and t-shirts, yesterday marked the day when rain came back and it feels more like Fall.
It's time to do more things inside and I had fun at the Children's Museum today. And yes, my idea of fun is still to run around from one room to the other but I do stop once in while. One of my stop is always the clay room.
I like clay but I am also a big fan of dirt. 3 months of dry weather but I have no problem finding the tiniest puddle on the campus during recess. I usually spend my recess digging in it with my hands and shoes; I also sit in it and wipe my dirty hands on my t-shirts.
So it's quite often that I come back home with a different set of clothes than I had when I arrived in the morning.
Maman seems to not like this so much; one evening, when I came back with not one, but two sets of dirty clothes and muddy shoes, she decided that making me clean all of it might make me be more careful.
Soon enough, I was loving washing and scrubbing my shoes and clothes and when Maman told me that Mamie had done that a lot at wash houses when she was young, I wanted to know everything about wash houses and ended up really enjoying the Lavoir experience.
As for dirt, I still love it...
Enjoy the little clip.