September is already over?
How can this be?
Let's see, what happened? Oh yeah! It was back to school. I was not really looking forward to that day and I was not too happy to be back even if it was to go to Kindergarten.
Here is my not so happy self on the first day:
At least my two teachers were happy to see me. It's my 3rd year in a row having a woman and man teacher team.
It turns out that Kindergarten is not so bad and so far, I am being pretty nice... although my teacher told Maman last week that I was getting a little too comfortable.
When I am not at school, my favorite activity remains reading and since I now read pretty much every thing in French and in English, I spend even more time with my books.
So reading is not going to be my main challenge in Kindergarten, but drawing and writing will. I sure won't win any drawing contest but at least I now try to hold a pen for more than 2 seconds and I am beginning to make some progress:
I am also getting better at dribbling a ball since I began basket ball as part of an after-school program. See, I have no problem riding a bike, swimming, riding my scooter but I am not quite yet that coordinated with my hands.
I still go swimming but just with Maman; I told her this Saturday that I like her as a swim teacher... but that's probably because she lets me play 50 out of the 60 minutes we stay in the pool.
There it is for September. It has not been raining since mid-july and we are all enjoying this great weather.
Happy Fall to all of you.