Monday, December 19, 2011

December: a Pre-kindergarten recital

Maman nearly forgot about this event!
It was the beginning of December and we, the kids, had invited the parents in our classroom for breakfast. It was also time to share our singing skills.
Thanks to a parent who filmed the whole event, you can see me do multiple things:

- sing
- be one of the rare singers who actually uses all the hand motions we were taught to use.
- pick a booger out of my nose
- sneeze
- sing some more.

I actually did pretty good;  you will also see that  half the kids seem taller than me. Well, it turns out they are... although a lot are also already 5 and I will get there  in 7 more months!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

November: a photo collection...

Yes, you read well, it does say "November". 
See, although Maman spends a lot of time on her computer ( she claims it has to do with teaching but as far as I know, my teacher teaches in the classroom and not in front of the computer), she never seems to have time for my blog anymore.
So now that we are on a break, no more "teaching"excuse. Who knows when you might see the December entries though.
The model trains
November was full of fun things to share with you. I am still in love with trains and even discovered that there is another story line than Thomas: it's called Chuggington. It's on my list for Santa... but I'd better get my listening ears on because it looks like my presents might go into an holding area while I try to figure out how to not push every body's buttons all the time.
They keep saying "think outside of the box"but they don't really mean it, do they?
If you need proof that I can be silly, here is a collection of portraits taken by Papa who is working hard at mastering new photography skills... and he has quite a subject at hand.
Some were taken in Klamath Falls were we had a fun short vacation in October and some at the train station.
Fun times with Tina and Darren
I had not seen Tina in a while and we were both very happy to spend time together. I got to meet her fiancĂ© Darren and her 3 cats. I learned a new game: the burrito wrap game! It's really fun, see for yourself on the video. And do you know that a bass guitar is over 2 times my height. Darren showed me how to play. It's hard. 
We sure had a fun day!

Air and Space
We went to the aviation and space museum and, whow, they have some great planes and rockets there. I learned a lot. A few days after the visit, I asked Maman where exactly was the hole in our atmosphere because I wanted to know if the rockets had created that hole when they were leaving and reentering our atmosphere. 
Well, I stumped both the parents on that. They knew it was not the rockets that did that but we had to get home ( we were at a cool show from Do Jump) so that they could find that the hole is in the South Pole, right above Antarctica.

I told you it was a packed month. Aunt Gail, cousin Brenna and cousin Ashley spent parts of Thanksgiving with us. Ashley and I were quite the little accomplices, running around the house and doing a lot of fun things. Papa took our portrait and we are lucky to be in the digital age where even if I am goofy, we can keep taking pictures until we get one good one!

VoilĂ ! Now I am off to see Frosty the Snowman and we'll see you in the New Year!
Enjoy the Holidays!