Sunday, December 26, 2010

Noël 2010

He came...
There were rumors in my home that he might not come.
I was told that he does not like it when kids push their parents' buttons.
I was told that he was not too impressed with my daily goofiness.

Yet, he came. Santa.
It shows you that adult do not know much...
Thank you Santa, or Santas: because when I see my globe, there is no way that there can be only of you, and I said so to Maman.
Well, t'was a merry happy christmas and merci to all the Santas who made it happen.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

An afternoon with Tina

And the fun goes on for me as I spend a fun afternoon with Tina. Even the sun worked hard at pushing the clouds and the sun so we could enjoy a bike ride, a visit to the park, a stroll over the canal and some cozy fun inside too.
My favorite parts: playing with the cat and wrestling with Tina!

Playdates: from princess to truck player

First, I had a playdate with my friend Juliette. We had fun with costumes, flashlights and playing piano. As you can see, I look quite cute in her princess outfit....

And, after asking for months, Maman finally set up a playdate with my friend B. It was really fun and since we are both quite goofy it was a lively playdate!