First School Picture
Here I am again, a few weeks older and sometimes, not the wiser. Let's review the best of for this past week.
Let's start with Monday: I found the only mud puddle on the whole recess ground and got myself quite dirty. My teacher did not appreciate too much and once we were back in class, he told me to go change and clean up "dans les toilettes", which can literally be translated by "in the toilet". At least, that's how I understood it. So by the time I got to cleaning my shoes in the said toilet, the teacher became suspicious and was quite mad when he saw the mess I made. Next time, he will have to be more clear on what his definition of "toilettes" is.
On Tuesday, I was looking drunk most of the day. In fact it was fever and I spent the last hour of the day sleeping in the nurse's room waiting for Papa to get me. And yes, another ear infection and another yucky bottle of antibiotics.
On Wednesday, my teacher asked a group of us if we wanted to draw a picture. I said sure, why not. You have to understand that my teacher works hard at making us autonomous so when we agree on an activity, we have to find our own material. In this case, he said to get crayons and paper and to go draw on the blue table. Yes he said "on". Sure he had mentioned paper too but since I could not find any, I did what I was asked and drew... on the table.
My teacher is beginning to get that I am quite literal and he'd better think next time he gives me an assignment.
Anyway, it was a tough week and I was so tired that Papa got me at lunch on Friday and I slept 3 hours and 30 minutes for nap. Same on Saturday.
That school schedule is getting to me. One more week and we have a break, finally.
When I am at home, it's talk, talk, talk, non stop. I make up stories faster than the speed of light. This video is long but 1/2 of it I story-tell in English and the other half in French, so pick your half and enjoy the show!
Just added this Monday,October 18: I thought it would be fun to color my nose with markers. One more time, I seem to be the only one with a sense of humor. The pic was taken by my teacher after he tried to clean up most of the marker. And the week just started!