Would I choose to get up at 4:45am? No. Was I excited when Maman woke me up at the said time? Amazingly, yes; and you know why? That's because we were heading to the Festival of Balloons, a mere 20 minutes from home.
We got there at 5:30am, just in time to see the first balloon being blown with air: cold air first and warm air second; wow, you should see the flames shooting up high! Impressive.
It was quite a show I must say and my parents are letting you know that the pictures don't give credit to the ballet of balloons up in the blue, super blue sky of this morning ( yes, it was today!). But we still invite you to share the moment.
And if you wonder why Maman had the time to load the pics, sort them, arrange them, find music, make the movie, export it, upload it and all? That's because I am on a nap marathon, finishing my 3rd hour! Yes, Maman, you can thank me later.
I certainly learned a lot of new things today and this is maybe why, as we were playing in the yard later on I said to Maman:
- What does "blind" mean?
- Well it's somebody who cannot see.
( this was followed by a few more questions and...)
- Maman, what do the other words mean?
- What words?
- All the ones that are in my head.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
A father's day week-end

This was another great week-end. We had family visiting and it was fun to play with Ashley and Brenna: we had sort of a baseball game going in the backyard, a cool story time with Papa and a funny breakfast conversation. I thought I was funny but my cousin Ashley is even sillier... hear her talk about wagging her tail!
It was Father's day too and Maman and I decided that Papa would love to have 15 yards of mulch delivered just for him. Maman and I helped him a little bit but it took him the whole week-end to make the pile disappear. Luckily on Sunday, I found some ripe strawberries in our yard and I made a delicious pie for Papa... and for me too of course!
I have a cool Papa! He is a little crazy too: after shoveling mulch and pushing wheelbarrows all week-end, he still did a race tonight to celebrate the first day of Summer which, by the way, was as warm as a first day of Spring. Brrrr.
Enjoy the video!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I am a big boy now...

In a little over 40 days, I will turn 3! I must be growing right? Don't be fooled by the fact that I am 35" tall and still wearing some 18 months old pants; there are other obvious signs that growing is going on:
- Take the high chair: it's gone. Man I was sad to let it go. It was my table quarters for over 2 years and I felt like the ruler of the universe in it. Sure, the new sitting arrangements are good too but it comes with way too many rules. I mean, do you know about M.O.P.? I bet you don't. It's the first acronym I am learning (after TGV that is): it means "Mouth Over Plate"; it can also become M.O.T. ( mouth over the table). All I can say is, I am trying but the parents are hard to satisfy.
- Now, what about my crib? That thing had been my pad for even before I can remember. Apparently, that had to go too. I am telling you, this growing thing means letting go of a lot of the stuff you are attached to and, since I am pretty much attached to routines, it has made me do some crazy little dances. All is good now and after falling only once from the big bed, I dig it. You can see that on the slide show.
- The biggest growth has to be my brain though. Not saying it's for the best as it looks like my figuring out that I can have a lot more say in what's going on, has not been met by tons of approval by the parents. They will certainly credit me later for keeping them in shape and for keeping their brain active. Look, I can fire a thousand "why" questions each day and still, they answer.
Well, there it is. Growing up is fun and I cannot wait to be an adult: I am keeping a list of all the fun things that are around me right now but that my parents say or for adults only. I have the feeling, some days, that I am being tricked so I am keeping my eyes open; although I have yet to see a kid drive a car.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Week-end In Yachats

Since I came back from France, the weather has been very interesting in these parts of the World. Let's say that in the past 20 days, it has rained a little bit or more likely a LOT every single day. The grass is certainly green but one has to be sneaking the mowing part in between showers...
We were not hoping too much that the weather would be dry for our 3 day trip to the Pacific Coast and, indeed, it rained but never when we were out and about! We even got to enjoy briefly what should be a daily dose of warm sunshine this close to Summer.
We had a fun filled week-end though and my friend Juliette and I were as happy as clams in a bowl. We had many adventures in the backyard of our vacation residence, on the beach, in a very cool forest and on a hike to a lighthouse.
Well, see for yourselves!
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