And you thought you were finally done watching lengthy videos; well, get ready, because from April 20 to today, it has been pretty busy.
Our trip to France was really great and my head is spinning just thinking about all the things I did and all the people I met. We were barely back that we then went to Bend to cheer Papa during his Pole Pedal Paddle race- by the way, his team won the overall team race; not bad for 45 and over!-
Anyway, Maman and I have been trying to deal with the jet-lag this week and she has been working like crazy to put our fresh memories in videos... 5 of them total so it might take you a while to go through them, but, as always, they are also for us to enjoy.
But before we begin the video roll, I have to give you a little explanation as to why my head looks somehow weird on some pics. It turns out that I was having too much fun and met quite strongly with a very hard wall. It's better after a month, but it is still not quite back to normal. I guess I can brag that my first big bump was in France. For the visual, see the pic below and don't hesitate to click on it if you want to really say "ouch".

Now, let's begin the tour. Oh, by the way, a week before flying to France, I decided to be potty trained day and night and I am now wearing underwear all day and waking up Maman during the night so I can go potty - I wonder what those dark circles are under her eyes?- In this first video, I invite you to St Brieuc where I stayed with Papi and Mamie and had a lot of fun riding my bike ( that I brought with me), playing, reading, eating, trying my tennis skills and goofing around with Papi.
While I was in St Brieuc, thanks to a very sunny first week, I spent a lot of time at the beach with my cousins and had all sorts of fun trying to do exactly what Malo, 7 year old, was doing. I tend to like older kids better and Maman is a little worried that I might do about just anything they try, like climbing big rocks!
The beach is mainly for getting sand all over you, for splashing and falling in the water...I also went fishing: Oh boy, that was fun.
After a week of fun at the beach, it was time to explore the countryside and I am so lucky that Tonton Daniel and Tati Annie have a farm. Feeding the donkeys, getting fresh eggs, seeing the pigs were all great but my best experience ever was riding the tractor. A real TRACTOR! I was ready to move in the farm after that plus, I had a very good time with Tonton Daniel too!
I had many other experiences like being on Jean-Pierre's boat, riding Simon's motocross, finding a 7 year old French girlfriend named Gabrielle and having plenty of silly fun time with Louna in her very cool backyard. There were other places we went but Maman was so busy talking sometimes that she forgot her camera. Take a look...
So we came back late evening on Wednesday the 12th and we packed our bags and left for Bend on Friday after Maman spent all Thursday cooking since we were going to share house and food with 14 people. It was hot and sunny and I got to play with my 8 year old American girlfriend, Keely. Her brother is great too because he let me borrow his very cool trucks. I also got to tackle their big sister!
The best part of Bend, aside from the trucks, was my first canoe ride with Papa, right on mirror pond which was at the foot of the house we were staying in. Very nice: the house and the ride. I even stayed still for the whole ride.
Well, it is finally the end. I hope you enjoyed it... with moderation.
Until my next adventure at the beach at the end of the month,
Your friend
Noah René
PS: I have now officially entered the "why?" phase after 6 months of "what is this?". Now that I have the two going, Maman seems to get more and more thirsty. Too much talking maybe?