Sunday, March 22, 2009

Noah at the pool

I keep having a lot of fun at the pool.
My teacher Johnathan is trying hard to teach me how to kick with my legs but I'd rather to the breaststroke.
I also have a lot of fun jumping in the water and I do a good job at putting my feet right next to the edge like I have been told.
Johnathan was proud of me because I am finally able to stay on the bench and wait for my turn... well, sort of!
Oh, and I still love to climb so I had to do it at the pool too. Not quite gracefully yet...
Listen carefully at the very end, while Daddy is holding me, I say "Encore Papa, climb"! I climbed and jumped about 15 times. It is so much fun!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Le grimpeur bavard

I have been trying out as many new words as I can lately. I think that some are funny and worth repeating 10 times in a row. I do it in French or in English, but mainly French as Maman seems to understand that one better.
She took me to the park yesterday: I am afraid I am not quite the acrobat yet but I am all into climbing right now, and talking while doing it.
Because it's in French, here is a little list of what I am saying for the non-French speaking crowd: bâton ( stick), petit ( small), grimpe ( climb), pieds ( feet), bateau ( boat), sur l'eau ( on the water), haut ( high), petit ( small), grand ( big), escaliers ( stairs), mouillés escaliers ( wet stairs), descend ( go down), il crie "avion" ( he screams "plane"as one is passing overhead), saute( jump), trop grand ( too big), moulin ( windmill).

You will also get to see me sing a song, dance and , of course, run back to my puzzles as soon as it's over.